Devblog #15: Design Philosophy

Hi, it’s TJWhale here.

Thrive has a great team. There’s a lot of talent working on this game and there’s also a lot of commitment, people really care. Recently I have been promoted to Microbe Stage Design Lead, which is a role that used to exist but had lapsed. As a team we decided it is important to have a way to finalise decisions and having a Design Lead for this stage gives us this.

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Mini Update #4: Future Plans

Hey guys, Nick here, and welcome back to another Mini Update. As mentioned in the latest devblog, today we’re going to talk a bit about the short term plans and goals for the project. However, I’m also going to throw in a part at the end to talk about our new forum and some of the interesting discussions on the Microbe Stage we’ve been having recently. Let’s begin!

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Devblog #14: Punctuated Equilibrium

If you were to graph Thrive’s progress since its inception, you’d probably have a slow but steady background rate of development with occasional spikes in activity. This is quite similar to the evolutionary concept called punctuated equilibrium, where species remain static for millions of years then change dramatically over short time periods in response to rapid ecosystem change.

Nowhere is this demonstrated better than the last few months of the project. As I write (hello, this is Oliveriver by the way, which will become important later) we’re about to break this website’s record for number of visits in one day after several months of comparative nothingness. Why? What’s happened? What do we do next? Read on to find out…

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Devblog #10: Call to Action

Your Game Needs You

If you haven’t seen our previous Devblog, Thrive version 0.3.2 is out. That’s good news for us, since it means we can commence with a little something we’ve been planning for a while: a whole load of outreach. It’s time to spread the tenets of Thrive throughout the internet until everybody is buying our blue jeans and listening to our pop music.

And guess what? You can help! Read on to find out how…

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Devblog #1: No, We’re Not Dead


Greetings, Thrive followers. This is the first in a new set of official devblogs on the Revolutionary Games website – if all goes to plan, new devblogs should be posted here about once a month, covering everything that’s been going on behind the scenes in Thrive’s development.

This initial devblog covers: where we’ve been and why you haven’t heard from us, our new forum structure, the complete plan for the Microbe Stage, musings on AI, and making cells look more like cells and less like honeycombs.

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