Development continues at a steady pace as we reach new milestones in controller functionality, and some small tweaks here and there to eliminate bugs. Feature discussion has ramped up a bit as we continue to refine our plans for the game.
There was a bit of miscommunication last week regarding controller support, so to clarify; The editor is a far cry from being navigable via controller, and currently only supports tab switching with the controller.
- New DevBuild for our patrons:
- It is not possible to rebind and see controller buttons in the options menu
- Added a new movement mode (screen relative) that can be used for keyboard input (it is the default mode for controller input)
- Movement tutorial now works with a controller but has a warning that controller support is not fully done and is buggy
- Added fossilisation buttons to more places
- Evolutionary tree now works for freebuild games started with a fossil
- Fixed a bug with options menu thinking there are changed options, if the settings file didn’t exist
- Fixed some trailing new lines in English text
- Updated translations
- Controller support continues to see great progress, now with functional rebinds and tutorial for movement.

- Nothing Substantial
- Continued discussion of more involved creature surface area impact.
- Overview of the multicellular stage provided by Deus.
- Renewed discussion on cell division animation and performance.
- Nothing Substantial
- Nothing Substantial
- Nothing Substantial
- Nothing Substantial