The rush of activity that always accompanies new Thrive releases is subsiding this week as we get back to the more usual pace. The last release caused a flurry of small issues and game tweak suggestions to pop up. All of those are not done yet but we’ll be working on them at a more reasonable pace going forward.
Along with the fixes, tweaks, and other smaller improvements the work on the tolerances system has continued this week bringing it closer to completion. With the latest changes organelles will affect the tolerances adding an additional layer of strategy to them. Now many cells will naturally get the tolerances they need to allow saving MP not using it for tweaking tolerances as much. Conversely some organelles give penalties to tolerances making it harder for some cells to exist in certain conditions.
- New DevBuild for our patrons:
- Made organelles in the cell affect environmental tolerances, now the tolerances feature is more strategic as organelles can save on MP that would otherwise be needed to be used in tweaking tolerances
- Removed option to turn off passive reproduction as that mode was not balanced and was not going to receive any balancing work
- Upgraded to Godot 4.4 which has fixed many bugs we had with Godot 4
- Added an option to change the world size when setting up a new game
- Made higher firerate toxins consume less toxin per shot
- Fixed ATP consumption bar to show 3 decimal places like the production bar already did
- Fixed the radiation damage effect not being audible
- Fixed microbe benchmark using a bad seed and not generating interesting species
- Updated code checking tools
- Fixed localization update script looking in some folders it shouldn’t and finding unintended build files
- Fixed regression in previous build where the thermovision button was not clickable due to the action hotbar overlapping it
- Added new language: Alemannic
- Updated translations
- A new bigger sulfur chunk:

- Nothing Substantial
- Nothing Substantial
- Nothing Substantial
- Nothing Substantial
- Please welcome our new programmer Lady Death’s Head