Only one week remains before the release of Thrive 0.6.2, and that means it’s time for our latest pre-release build! If you are interested in helping us find any bugs or problems before the official release, you may join us in testing the release-candidate here.
Development has been largely centered around the progression of our later stage prototypes this week, but we still have some neat new additions regardless! Players will find that our compound balance information will be much more intuitive and understandable, and compound clouds are far more visible. This and more, can be found in the release candidate.
With only one week remaining before release, all further development will be focused on bugfixes and balance changes as needed.
- New DevBuild for our patrons:
- Finished the society stage prototype with being able to research a steam powered factory and moving to the industrial stage
- Compound cloud visuals have been slightly improved with a higher resolution noise layer
- Prototypes should now work again (regression in previous builds)
- The editor compound balance now shows the situation at ATP equilibrium, instead of assuming all processes run at maximum speed always
- Fixed seafloor patch background image artifact
- Fixes to some leftover issues after the custom popup refactoring
- Fixed a bug in previous build with current light level in editor not applying correctly in all cases
- Fixed the current resolution display in the options menu not always updating when toggling fullscreen mode
- Improved the usage and internal features of our custom tooltip system
- Improved the process speed indicator icon in the process panel
- Improvements to organelle upgrade cost display
- Updated translations
- Compound clouds have recieved a visual overhaul, vastly increasing their visibility and beauty.

- Various icons have been drawn out for potential future use.

- Nothing Substantial
- Nothing Substantial
- Nothing Substantial
- Nothing Substantial
- Nothing Substantial