Summer is here, many people have either finished school, or are getting ready for more. Vacations, hobbies, families and more all take up much of our precious time. However many here are still working on Thrive day in and out. Many things that get done aren’t even able to be put on an progress update as they are small simple change. Such as uploading to Github, or adjusting a minor issue.
However we do have a few fun things to report on, with some pictures and videos to go along. I hope you all enjoy.
- BSF Nearing Completion
- New semicircular HP and ATP bars
- Compound icons now show up in the inspection panel
- More progress on the freebuild editor
- New concept for editing organelles

- New model and animation for the flagella
- Adjusting Sounds
- Nothing substantial
- Nothing substantial
- Nothing substantial
Wow. Nice graphics