Our lead programmer has returned from their vacation, which means that progress shall resume at it’s normal pace. All of the work done by our volunteers over the past few weeks has finally been approved and merged into the game, which means we finally have a new devbuild that will show off a good collection of new features and changes. This devbuild alone could have been a major release in the old days!
Our work has just resumed, so keep your eyes out for our next progress update!
- New DevBuild for our patrons:
- Added mucocyst upgrade for slime jet which turns it into a defensive shield
- Added sprinting ability to get a quick burst of speed
- Made cell turning speed ramp up much much faster when not pointing at the cursor. This makes the strategy of needing to overshoot the cursor past the direction you want to point at for maximum turning speed unnecessary
- Added a red screen flash as indicator for the player taking damage
- Added feature to command the player species to migrate to new patches without the player having to move themselves
- Prokaryotes now drop smaller cell chunks that are easier to eat
- The prototype rocket launch animation now approximates an orbit entering maneuver instead of going straight up
- Fixed bug with rebound keys not displaying in key prompts correctly
- Fixed radial selection menu text being offcenter
- Fixed one 3D background having a particle emitter set to update at a limited framerate
- Added backend code for a future process speed control GUI
- Updated YamlDotNet from 15.3.0 to 16.0.0
- Updated code checking tools version
- Updated translations
- Among the features added in the recent devbuild is the ability to migrate your population without having to inhabit the patch yourself!

Does this make us a strategy game yet?
- Revamped cloud shader is still a work in progress, but the progress is great!

- Nothing Substantial
- Nothing Substantial
- Nothing Substantial
- Nothing Substantial
- Nothing Substantial