The backlog of features created by our beloved volunteers has finally been worked through by our lead programmer, meaning that the latest devbuild will now be packed with a new set of gameplay features and quality changes for our patrons. Coming up next, our developers have made excellent progress on a new experimental autoevo system, which if all things continue to go well, will hopefully make it into the coming release.
We are proud to announce that thanks to all the progress we are seeing in this coming release, the next release will be the 0.7.0 milestone! (Sorry folks, this means we are skipping over 0.6.9). We are currently aiming for a release near the end of August so mark that on your calendar somewhere, guessing the correct day will officially make you cool.
- New DevBuild for our patrons:
- Updated the compound cloud visuals with a new shader for more textured look
- Improved experimental sprint feature: AI can now sprint when in in danger, and sprint is automatically turned off at max strain now
- Added a shader for iron chunk depletion and slightly updated the iron visuals in general
- Fixed eukaryotic engulfing size multiplier to be 2 instead of 1.5
- Fixed a bug where engulfed objects can get stuck in an incorrect state (entities in incorrect state are now force ejected)
- Cell colony members now forward messages to the HUD. This for example allows indigestibility messages to be forwarded to provide info to the player as to why they can’t eat something while in a colony.
- Increased maximum chunk count a bit to hopefully help with visual despawning
- Increased toxin initial velocity a bit
- Fixed editor timeline global and local buttons being pressable at once
- Fixed our shader code check not working properly after the Godot 4 upgrade
- Fixed word wrap not being enabled for auto-evo prediction panel, which caused issues with too wide GUI controls in some languages
- Tweaked when the low performance warning is triggered
- Reduced memory allocations in microbe mutation generation
- Improved our threaded run generation script error messages
- Thrive now prints the time when the game is started to log files
- Updated translations
- WIP icon art for the mucocyst ability.

- Nothing Substantial
- Nothing Substantial
- Nothing Substantial
- We now have a Mastodon account!
- Nothing Substantial