This week we’ve had a lot of great progress in a variety of features, as well as some bug fixes that will make the game play out much more smoothly for everyone. The most notable change is that players on easy mode will now be able to continue playing the game post-extinction if they happened to make some bad choices, by living on through a conveniently present closely related species.
We have just three more weeks until the release of 0.7.0, so look folks can look forward to even more changes and polish. We hope you are excited as we are for this upcoming chunk of an update!
- New DevBuild for our patrons:
- Added option to switch to a different species on extinction in easy mode instead of getting a game over
- Added pilus damage cooldown on ejecting something to prevent ejected cells from immediately dealing massive amounts of pilus damage
- Buffed dropped cell chunks to have 3x more compounds in them
- Added experimental siderophore feature that reworks iron gameplay to make it require shooting projectiles at big iron chunks to break off small chunks to then eat them
- Further improved the updated look of the compound clouds
- Fixed mouse hover panel checked world position under the cursor not taking our distortion shader into account (chromatic aberration option)
- Fixed species colour not applying to all strands of cilia
- Fixed auto-evo and timeline buttons in the editor being able to be pressed at the same time
- Fixed migrate button being present in the Thriveopedia
- Added backend support for LAWK-locked organelles to be handled by the endosymbiosis system
- Updated code checking tools

- WIP icon art for the mucocyst ability.

- 3D membrane and matrix discussion
- Calling attention to microbe backgrounds
- Progress is being made on the ability to toggle specific processes within the cell as a feature for experienced players.

- There is a new theme in the works but we don’t really have a hosting method to show it off yet.
- Idea on how to calculate dynamic environment compounds
- Nothing Substantial
- Nothing Substantial