Once again we are met with a reasonably productive week as our talented team continues to churn out much-needed improvements and additions to Thrive. Among the latest changes; the finalization of our long-awaited sprinting feature and comparatively smarter movement handling for AI. They no longer only move directly forward, so watch out for strafing predators! There has also been some incredible work going on behind the scenes, which you can get a sneak-peak of in the sections below.
All of this is making for a pretty substantial release, so we hope everyone is as excited as we are!
- New DevBuild for our patrons:
- Sprinting is no longer an experimental feature, it has an icon now and some balance tweaks
- Added customization of toxin toxicity, which allows selecting between more damage per single shot or faster fire-rate
- Microbe AI can now move sideways when trying to reach chunks or other cells
- Fixed not being able to rebind inputs to CTRL, Shift, and ALT
- Added buttons to the process panel to toggle individual processes on or off
- Fixed species preview tooltips not working in auto-evo explorer
- Fixed species preview tooltips not working in the timeline tab
- Added a basic process panel view to the editor
- Improved look of the new compound cloud shader
- Fixed mucocyst and engulf effect shader parameters being incorrectly shared causing some visual glitches
- Added more instructions regarding gettext to our setup instructions
- Added TODO comments to a few places we could use graphics pooling as new graphics instance creation is one of the heaviest parts of the game in terms of performance currently
- Updated code checking tools
- Updated translations
- A new addition to our team, Dligr, has been experimenting with procedural mesh generation

- WIP icon art for the mucocyst ability.

- Temporary sprinting icon

- WIP slide of an opening animation by our talented Bolsa.

- Struvite chunk, a potential source of phosphates, by HexapodPhilosopher.

- Nothing Substantial
- Nothing Substantial
- Nothing Substantial
- Please welcome our newest programmer, Dligr!