It’s a brand new month, and progress continues to be made behind the scenes with the physics integration. Microbe movement has been reintroduced in the performance benchmark, and it currently shows a 100 fps increase compared to the normal performance at the same benchmark stage. Note that this result isn’t final as the changes are still ongoing.
It’s important to mention that until the integration is done, many features our volunteers contribute will immediately be subject to change. Thus most changes related to microbe AI, system processes, or physics are roughly on pause until the integration is complete. Furthermore, the release date of our next update is largely dependant on whenever the physics integration is complete for much the same reason.
On another note, our weblate translations service is now back up and running! So if you’ve been itching to help us improve our localization, now you can contribute to Thrive by translating it.
- New DevBuild for our patrons:
- Fixed showing glucose reduction as NaN in the editor report
- Updated YamlDotNet from 13.2.0 to 13.3.1
- Updated translations. Our community translations site is fixed and accepting translations again.
- The physics integration continues to hold promising results with an 100 fps increase during the microbe movement stage of the benchmark test.

- Nothing Substantial
- Nothing Substantial
- Nothing Substantial
- Nothing Substantial
- Nothing Substantial
- Please welcome our newest developer, Kehak!
- Weblate translations are now open again.