Progress Update 09/07/2024

With the successful release of version 0.7.0 behind us, we’re now excited to shift our focus to the development of version 0.7.1. Your continued support has been key to refining the game, and we’re eager to bring even more improvements and updates in this next release..

We’re pleased to share that we’ve already made some progress on the 0.7.x roadmap. A few tasks have been completed, and we’ve fixed several issues that were impacting performance and stability. While there’s still more to be done, we’re steadily moving forward and will continue to update you as we make further progress.


  • New DevBuild for our patrons:
    • Upgraded to Godot 4.3
    • Added a GDExtension for Thrive that will be used in the future to improve various things
    • Made AI wait behaviour not trigger as much when out of just one compound type
    • Tweaked editor GUI to be closer to what it was before Godot 4 update
    • Abbreviated per second as just “s” in chemical equation speeds
    • Fixed initial species compounds calculation never giving iron due to calculating only with available compounds in the default biome type
    • Fixed the strain system always taking movement ATP while not moving
    • Fixed right editor panel being able to be too wide in certain translations
    • Fixed auto-evo being able to remove the nucleus as a mutation
    • Fixed editor saves failing to load with a completed endosymbiosis action
    • Fixed used matter storage size flickering when ejecting too big objects that no longer fit in storage
    • Fixed “x worlds” text not being translated initially in the auto-evo exploring tool
    • Updated code checking tools
    • Added new automatic code style checks related to post-increment
    • Updated YamlDotNet from 16.0.0 to 16.1.0
    • Updated Jolt Physics Engine
    • Updated translations


  • New Ice Chunks by Hexapod:



  • Nothing Substantial


  • Nothing Substantial



  • Please welcome our newest outreach team member, Mr42!

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