This week we focused on wrapping up the finishing touches for the coming release of version 0.5.7. This update will introduce a few new features such as a new chemo-receptor part complete with prototype modification menu, a historical timeline, various performance improvements, crash reporting, and many miscellaneous fixes. 0.5.7 is currently planned to release on the 5th of February, so mark it on your calendar!
You can try out these new features right now by downloading the release candidate. Make sure to leave some feedback!
- New DevBuild for our patrons:
- Added a new timeline tab to the editor to view world events
- Disabled mouse scroll on colour picker value bars
- Fixed dialogs expanding in wrong direction when resizing
- The pilus now has scientific flavour text
- Pause menu is now a popup derived class so it should no longer be under the tutorial in terms of mouse clicks
- Updated copyright years
- Updated translations
- Created Icon for the first chemo-receptor model.

- Nothing Substantial
- Nothing Substantial
- Wrote a new descriptive tooltip for the predatory pilus in the editor.
- Nothing Substantial
- We are working on setup tutorial videos for Thrive, to make it easier to contribute or mod the game for those unaccustomed to the setup environment.