Time to discuss the future of Thrive again. As you know, we had the 0.5.2 release last week and as always we discussed what is going to be included in the next release.
Last time we talked about binding agents and we want to work on them again in this version. Other new features include improving saving, improving balance, more work on the spawn system and working on the procedural patch map, among other things.
We couldn’t have a trailer for the new version ready on time, so in case you didn’t see it already here it is:
- New BOTD on Patreon, featuring the following:
- Extinct species are now indicated in the patch report
- The center of mass of organelles is now set on the cell’s origin
- Cells can no longer have disconnected organelles
- Fixed a typo on the help menu
- Fixed tooltips displaying when they shouldn’t
- Nothing Substantial
- Nothing Substantial
- Nothing Substantial
- Nothing Substantial