Steady progress rolls on this week, mostly focusing on dynamic environments features which we hope will make it more immersive and balanced.
Along with bug fixes and the development of concepts and ideas for future releases, this week we also witnessed strong contributions from the graphics team with a range of new models and textures added.
- New DevBuild for our patrons:
- Improved gas update logic to make sure gases don’t add up to over 100%
- Made nitrogen dynamic
- Added a new and more visible cell membrane animation
- Added an underwater went eruption event that creates extra hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide in the patch
- Fixed process toggle buttons not always matching the underlying process states and fixed processes re-enabling by themselves when organelles reproduced
- Reduced unlock requirements of gas-dependent organelles
- Reduced base endosymbiosis time costs by one
- Lowered hydrogenase ATP output by 10%
- Increased visibility of engulf wave effect slightly
- Added an energy icon for the later stage prototypes
- Fixed aspect ratio of sunlight icon in daytime selection bar
- Fixed a bug where compound diffusion between patches could move too much compound
- Native lib install tool now prints full paths to try to reduce potential confusion
- Updated translations
- New models for chunks by Scolex

- HexapodPhilosopher continued remaking old organelles models

- Nothing Substantial
- Nothing Substantial
- Nothing Substantial
- Nothing Substantial
- Please welcome our new modeler and musician Scolex!