This week has been very productive, with progress focused on refining game balance for a more enjoyable experience and enhancing the GUI to provide more options for experienced players to customize their gameplay.
Additionally to that, we started developing new features, including the organelle split order editor and movement particles. Meanwhile, our graphics team maintained their momentum, continuing to produce stunning new visuals that elevate the overall look and feel of the game.
- New DevBuild for our patrons:
- Added a new tab in the editor to control organelle split order for more fine tuned control over ATP during reproduction
- Improved the microbe AI in terms of when it uses sprinting
- Balancing changes to microbe storage: most organelles now give much less storage to make storage an actual gameplay mechanic that needs planning
- Made slight balancing tweaks to photosynthesis glucose production glucose use of a few ATP-generating organelles
- Added a tip in the unlock tooltip that endosymbiosis is an alternative unlock method
- Fixed hex popup menu being able to operate on deleted hexes which could be exploited for infinite MP. Also fix a related bug in the prototype editors.
- More organelle graphics improvements
- Updated translations
- Started experimenting with movement particles

- Rework of cellulose membrane texture

- Work on new chunks continued

- Split order editor was complete

- Nothing Substantial
- Nothing Substantial
- Nothing Substantial
- Nothing Substantial