There’s some progress on the programing team and new concept art for the Star Generator, as well as a music theme for the new intro, of which you’ve already seen some concepts.
We also submited Thrive to a game catalog for streamers called Indie Raid, hopefully we’ll get a few more players from that site.
- Improved use of precompiled dependencies when compiling the game
- Star generator concept

- Nothing Substantial
- Theme for the new game intro
- Nothing Substantial
- Submited Thrive to Indie Raid, a game catalog for streamers
- Updating the site’s Gallery
- Nothing Substantial
I don’t know what to feel about the new intro. It feels weird, I think. It sounds too much “alive” or like a kind of “dancing” music. I think the old one is better and sounds more calm and scientific.
Yeah, i also didn’t like that.
Sun is already on heavy side when it comes to lifespan – even 20% heavier stars would mean not enough time to develop civilization.
I like this, it’s cool, I hope you keep working on the game 🙂
Most people here in Latin America have a 32-bit operating system, the game doesn’t work for me … I think, I’m not sure 🙁
Good. Games should be moving to 64 bit exclusively.
Still you can install 64 bit Windows if your CPU isn’t ancient.