This week has wrapped up the development of the last new features for the Thrive 0.8.0 release. That release is coming next week but if you want to already try it or wish to help out by testing it early, we have a public test build you can find here. Also big news for any Mac gamers out there: Thrive is back on Mac! The test build is already available as a beta for Mac. We are still gathering wishlists for Thrive to be fully supported on Mac, which may happen next year. So if you are interested in seeing Thrive on Mac, please consider wishlisting.
We managed to complete the 0.7.x roadmap of features (with just a couple of features still needing small tweaking) so that we can call this the 0.8.0 release. Last week we already got the last major features done so this week was focused on more tweaking things, bugfixing, and making the Mac build. We did get a new chunk type in the form of sulfur chunks as a new feature.
As one more final bit of news, Thrive is currently in a Fanatical bundle. So if you haven’t picked up Thrive yet, or you have a friend who is in need of more Thrive in their life, you can support Thrive by getting a copy in this bundle.
- New DevBuild for our patrons:
- Reintroduced Mac builds of Thrive. Thrive is again playable on macOS but this is not official full support yet.
- Added difficulty options for what to do with stored compounds after reproducing
- Added sulfur chunks
- Made compounds move much more freely between patches
- Removed experimental compound production mode as it was too unbalanced and didn’t get any work done on it since the last release
- Added hydrogen sulfide compound consumption by species
- Added iron chunks being oxidised by oxygen making them less common once oxygen starts spreading through the world
- Fixed regression of small cells taking damage when entering engulf mode even if they had plenty of ATP
- Fixed regression in small cells not being able to heal
- Steam: Fixed workshop upload dialog not showing all error conditions
- Added improved icons for vent eruption event
- Added a new loading screen image for multicellular
- Made organelle tooltips not constantly try to refresh their displayed chemical equations
- Added a few explicit garbage collector calls when the game is loading to hopefully reduce chance that it runs during gameplay
- Updated gdUnit version
- Updated translations
- Feedback thread for the 0.8.0 Release Candidate build
- Here’s how the new sulfur chunk looks:

- Nothing Substantial
- Nothing Substantial
- Nothing Substantial
- Nothing Substantial