There’s a new feature, moving organelles! Now it’s possible to move them around in the editor with a small MP cost. This feature is early in development so there are some bugs we need to fix. It’s also available in a new devbuild, as always available to our patrons.
We also discussed about adding a Niche System for the in game species which would also affect Auto-Evo. With all the new changes in the last month and a half we plan making a new patch soon. However, binding agents aren’t guaranteed to be added. We’ll keep you informed in the coming weeks.
- New Build of the Day:
- Fixed a major bug in the AI that prevented it acting as a predator
- Added feature for moving organelles note: we know of some serious bugs regarding this
- A bunch of GUI fixes and tweaks: improved popups, added more things that can be translated, partial fix for stuck bars, dialogs adapt to translation sizes, styled default tooltips
- Resulting mutation points arrow now looks nicer
- Key binding for new toggle fullscreen key can now be changed
- Updated translations
- Nothing Substantial
- Nothing Substantial
- Nothing Substantial
- Nothing Substantial
- Nothing Substantial