This past week we have been hard at work creating new and exciting features for Thrive. From a signaling agents part, to ever-changing atmospheric gas levels in the world; 0.5.8 is already looking up to be a big release!
- New DevBuild for our patrons:
- Added new signaling agent organelle, icon and model are not done yet it allows the player to give a few commands to other cells
- Increased compound cloud brightness in brighter biomes to make them much easier to see
- Increased entity limit considering the recent performance improvements. It’s also no longer save file specific so older saves will also use the new limit now
- Implemented custom logic to workaround Godot colour picker pick from game window having a (potentially crashing) bug
- Disabled resizing the editor report tab panels as that could break the text layout
- Removed our custom PathUtils class that is no longer needed as C# has a builtin path combine method
- Updated translations
- With the bulk of our 3D modelers currently absent, we are in need of a proper model for the signaling agents. This presents an opportunity for any graphics artists interested in contributing to Thrive to leave their mark on the project.
- An engulfment rework is underway, introducing more balanced and visually interesting predation.
- Signaling agents have been developed, which will allow players to communicate with and command other cells.

- Progress has been made on cells effecting the environment they inhabit, by producing/consuming dissolved gasses in the patch they occupy according to their internal processes.

- Nothing Substantial
- Nothing Substantial
- Nothing Substantial
- Please welcome our newest outreach member, Tccasanova!