We have a new feature today, a settings menu. With it you can tweak things like graphics, cloud resolution, sound or to enable cheat keys so testing the game isn’t as tedious. Hopefully this can help the game go smoother for those who had issues with performance.
As always we’ve worked on reimplementing old features but we also added a few new things, now compounds that your cell can’t use won’t appear on the Compounds Tab, so it won’t get too cluttered. We also made iron to be rarer so it isn’t as easier to get and as OP as before.
- Reimplemented more features
- New settings menu

- Useless compounds now don’t appear in the compounds tab

- Nothing Substantial
- New thread about Population scaling
- Reduced iron density
- Nothing Substantial
- More discussion on the Endosimbyosis thread
- More activity on our Instagram page
- Nothing Substantial