There was a lot of discussion on the forums. Several new features were proposed, most notably, unlocking new organelles, proteins and enzymes randomly instead of having them all available from the start. Since this is a big change and we are still debating about it, we also made a thread on the community forums where you can vote on these decisions.
We added a few new functionalities to the saves menu and also made reproduction bars light up independently so you know for good when you’ve collected enough ammonia or phosphates.
- Implemented a Delete Selected button to the saves menu
- Added a warning when loading saves made in a different version
- Reproduction bars now turn white independently

- Concept for a new ability unlocking system

- Concept for placing prokaryote proteins on membranes

- Trying new protein icons

- New feature discussion, Random Organelle Unlocks
- New feature discussion, Passive Enzyme/Protein Slots System
- Discussion about Environmental Tolerance Adaptations
- Discussion about Differentiating biomes
- Nothing Substantial
- Nothing Substantial
- Nothing Substantial