Tag Archives: Announcements

Thrive’s back, baby.
We’re beyond excited to announce the release of the culmination of our efforts for the last whoever knows how long, Thrive version 0.4.0.
It’s true: we’ve returned from the dead. We finally have a new engine. And, as you’ll learn if you read on, a hell of a lot of other things too…
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It’s been a while.
To someone not following the project closely on our more active platforms (community forums and Discord) it may appear Thrive has fallen into a long, dark slumber. Nascent life extinct, factories gone cold, space relics left scattered about the cosmos.
But all is not as it seems. Life stirs below the surface.
The purpose of this Devblog is to state in no uncertain terms the second most repeated of our mantras (right behind no underwater civs):
We’re not dead.
We’re back. And things are about to get exciting.
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Hey guys, Nick here, and welcome back to another Mini Update. As mentioned in the latest devblog, today we’re going to talk a bit about the short term plans and goals for the project. However, I’m also going to throw in a part at the end to talk about our new forum and some of the interesting discussions on the Microbe Stage we’ve been having recently. Let’s begin!
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Hey guys, Nick here, and back with the next Mini Update. Today we will discuss the other approaches towards underwater sensation, namely visual water effects, fluid dynamics, and particle effects.
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Hey guys, Nick here, and welcome to today’s Mini Update. This time we’re going to be talking about blur, and more specifically how making what you’re looking at harder to see will make it look nicer. Hopefully this isn’t saying anything about our artistic ability.
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If you haven’t seen our previous Devblog, Thrive version 0.3.2 is out. That’s good news for us, since it means we can commence with a little something we’ve been planning for a while: a whole load of outreach. It’s time to spread the tenets of Thrive throughout the internet until everybody is buying our blue jeans and listening to our pop music.
And guess what? You can help! Read on to find out how…
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It’s that time again: another Devblog, and a new release! World, prepare to welcome Thrive 0.3.2. There are two big new features (compound clouds and a tutorial), and a bunch of smaller changes.
In this Devblog, we will be covering the new features of this release and the plans for the next release. Read on to find out what’s new in Thrive.
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