Category Archives: Graphics

Thrive’s back, baby.
We’re beyond excited to announce the release of the culmination of our efforts for the last whoever knows how long, Thrive version 0.4.0.
It’s true: we’ve returned from the dead. We finally have a new engine. And, as you’ll learn if you read on, a hell of a lot of other things too…
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It’s been a while.
To someone not following the project closely on our more active platforms (community forums and Discord) it may appear Thrive has fallen into a long, dark slumber. Nascent life extinct, factories gone cold, space relics left scattered about the cosmos.
But all is not as it seems. Life stirs below the surface.
The purpose of this Devblog is to state in no uncertain terms the second most repeated of our mantras (right behind no underwater civs):
We’re not dead.
We’re back. And things are about to get exciting.
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If you were to graph Thrive’s progress since its inception, you’d probably have a slow but steady background rate of development with occasional spikes in activity. This is quite similar to the evolutionary concept called punctuated equilibrium, where species remain static for millions of years then change dramatically over short time periods in response to rapid ecosystem change.
Nowhere is this demonstrated better than the last few months of the project. As I write (hello, this is Oliveriver by the way, which will become important later) we’re about to break this website’s record for number of visits in one day after several months of comparative nothingness. Why? What’s happened? What do we do next? Read on to find out…
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Hey guys, Nick here, and back with the next Mini Update. Today we will discuss the other approaches towards underwater sensation, namely visual water effects, fluid dynamics, and particle effects.
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Hey guys, Nick here, and welcome to today’s Mini Update. This time we’re going to be talking about blur, and more specifically how making what you’re looking at harder to see will make it look nicer. Hopefully this isn’t saying anything about our artistic ability.
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Is it too late to say happy New Year? Probably, but we’ll do it anyway. Happy New Year, and as 2017 takes its first steps we’re happy to present another update to Thrive: version 0.3.3.
A flashy new GUI, more realistic health and reproduction systems, and the first steps towards evolution are the flagship features, and you can read all about them below, alongside our recent podcasting efforts and plans for 2017.
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Welcome to the Devblog, Thrive fans! We haven’t had a Devblog in a while, so we thought a little update was in order. In this Devblog, we will look at the direction Thrive is heading in and the progress it’s making. It is a little shorter than usual but there should be another Devblog coming soon, detailing the 0.3.2 release.
0.3.2 Progress Update
Test Release
We recently released a test release on our Community Forum and Reddit, so that we can find and deal with the bugs that are present in the newest version of the game. This means that when we release it to our wider audience, it should be a higher quality product. The feedback we have received so far has been very helpful in flagging up bugs; it shows us that there is still quite a bit of work to be done. In response, we have brought out a second test release. You can still help report on bugs by downloading it here. Thanks to these reports, the team is currently hard at work trying to fix these bugs in our private chat, Slack. The next Devblog will go into more detail about what this release brings to Thrive.
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A couple months after the release of 0.3.0, we are proud to announce the newest version of Thrive: 0.3.1. Although this update is not as major as the last one and doesn’t have any new gameplay, it is full of features that improve the experience.
Read on to find out more about this new release and our plans for the future.
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It’s official: after a quick pre-release to clear up a few bugs, Thrive version 0.3.0 is now available to download. To do so, either visit our Releases page or the link below:
This devblog will run you through the various new features, along with other miscellaneous updates, including what’s coming next.
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