There is a lot of work and development that goes unseen by most, until it gets added in an update. This causes thrive to seem dead at times as progress moves forward behind the scenes.
We have decided to do a simple progress update to let you know what is being worked on recently.
These updates will come out at the end of each week (or every other week, we haven’t decided yet). They will be brief summaries, and if you have questions or comments join in on one of our social media channels.
(EDIT: Hi, Oliveriver checking in to say these won’t replace the Devblogs as those will now be reserved for more in-depth posts and release announcements. This post has also gone through a number of formatting revisions, so please let us know if this works. We hope this initiative, spearheaded by lavathor, will help keep you all more informed of Thrive’s current state.)
- BSF progress (Engine Rendering adjustment)
- Patch Map and Report UT’s progress
- New Dev Build
- Lots of new Art added
- Cell Wall Textures added
- New Textures for most of the organelles added
- New Lighting settings for biomes added
- Puts you in the Biome your patch has
- Displays Patch name (IE Pangonian Vents)
- Gameplay of Dev Build
- Continued work on GUI
- New microbe cutscene progress
- New organelle models progress
- New ambient sounds for different biomes progress
- Nothing substantial
- Implemented a weekly progress report
- Contact to a handful of Youtubers and a game magazine
- Overhaul of Inactive Developers List as well as recontacting many of them
- New Graphics Team Lead (Congrats Uniow)
a concept for a beginning of a multi-cellar stage would to have the cells join up and then everything else grows or something like that
I know you guys wanna do this completely voluntarily, but unlike other voluntary games like Dwarf Fortress, this isn’t being made in ASCII. This is a full 3D game which will have many wildly ranging stages, which even a AAA developer(Maxis) had to cut back on. I really think you guys should consider trying to find a more permanent team and try to get a Kickstarter or Patreon going. I would gladly buy a copy of the full game on Kickstarter or give a monthly amount each month on Patreon.
Whether you do decide you wanna go full-time on this, or continue to do this voluntarily; I’ll be waiting here ecstatic to see how progress is going. 🙂 Thank you for all the time you’ve dedicated toward this project.
I think in one of the recent dev builds we are starting to see cells form “Swarms” which is very interesting.