We are now accepting donations! If you want to contribute to Thrive now there’s a new option besides Patreon. We are also adding a new Contributor License Agreement, which will be necessary to publish Thrive on Steam. Now the game will continue to be free and open source but these are new options for those who want to give us monetary support.
New feature on the horizon, we are working on an abilities hotbar that will show which abilities the player has and to which keys the are bidden. This will help new players know which keys to push when they evolve new abilities. As we add new organelles and features to the game, this hotbar will show new icons.
Today there is a new devbuild for our patrons featuring one of the fixes we talked about in the last update. Another fix is that now it’s possible to return to the main menu from the loading and options screens when not in game. We’ve also discussed about making the cells AI more self aware, knowing what type of cells they are, which organelles they have and how they should behave according to that.
We hope you had fun with 0.5.4, many players have shown us their new cell colonies and the biggest one that we know of has 20 members. Can you beat that? Currently we are discussing what we’ll work on for the next release, starting with a patch that will hopefully fix some crashes related to binding agents. For now it looks like we’ll focus on fixing several bugs and issues for the next version but we also want to work on an organelle upgrade system or a cell abilities hot bar.
Today is the day we take our first steps towards the Multicellular stage, binding agents are finally implemented! Now you can join other cells and start the first colonies. While in this mode, you’ll share resources with your partners, though you will have to leave the colony to reproduce. This release features some graphics improvements too, now your cell membrane and color can be previsualized in the Membrane tab of the editor, lighting has been improved in the editor and toxin particles fade instead of just disappearing. We also changed to Godot 3.3.2 fixing some issues, added balance changes to organelles, made Glucose actually decrease over time, improved the Microbe AI and much more!
You can download the launcher below to get the newest version, and read on for more information.
For the past few days we have made some further progress on binding agents alongside various other improvements to Thrive. We are still aiming to have binding agents ready to release around the 19th. For that we now have a …
This week we have made a few miscellaneous fixes to Thrive as we work our way to the completion of 0.5.4. Which we are aiming to release sometime around the 19th of June. We are also looking into donation options …
Lot’s of backend work has been accomplished this week, such as progress on updating Thrive to Godot 3.3, CI updates, and so on. We are also still working on hiring a paid developer now that we have reached our patreon …
A lot of new stuff during this week. We’ve implemented many new features like Glucose decay over time, concept art during loading screens or membrane preview during the editor sessions. Some of these are in the newest Build of the day for our patrons.
During this week we kept discussing about the Auto-Evo algorithm. We are trying to figure out a way of species populations to change according to the energy they consume in their patch. We are also working on adding the hex grid back to the editor, this time with a fancy fading effect.